DHMS Pipe Band News

Click here to see the EUSPBA Rankings for 2021-2022

some of our current students are ranked!


Dunedin Holiday Parade - 12/10 - information sent home 11/30

Winter Concert - 12/15 @ DHMS - information coming

Central Florida Highland Games (Winter Springs) - 1/14/23 - This is only for those interested in doing the solo competition.

Tag Night #1 - 2/17/23 - Downtown Dunedin 6:30pm - 8:30pm

South Florida Highland Games (Fort Lauderdale) - 3/4/23 - Possible charter bus to this - it will be an ALL-DAY event and an early morning.

Tag Night #2 - 3/24/23 - Downtown Dunedin 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Dunedin Highland Games - 4/1/23 - ALL-DAY event

2022-2023 Pipe Band Pictures